Thomas & Thomas Horizon - 5 wts Freshwater Rods
Thomas & Thomas Horizon - 5 wts Freshwater Rods
[Oct 12, 2017]
Day Hiker
Review of Thomas and Thomas 5 wt. Horizon II fly rod:
Customer Service Don't know, I have always taken great pains to never harm the rod.... Similar Products Used: Sage, Orvis, St. Croix, Split Cane (bamboo) Diamondback,
[Jan 10, 2011]
Kent Goldthorpe
My Thomas & Thonmas HII 905-4 is an absolutely amazing rod. I cannot say enough good things about it. Customer Service Here's the rub. If you are NOT the original owner of a T & T rod, get ready to pull your pants down to get repair/replacement work done. The bare minimum to get a tip section replaced is $125.00 and likely much higher. I had this happen to me and got so freaked over the potential cost I jsut took the rod in and had a new end guide put on leaving the rod 2" short but my wallet in good shape.
[Nov 11, 2002]
Mikel Young
30 days a year
Great flex; workmanship
none I have a 10 ft. 5 weight that I use for large trout and shad. It has performed extremly well in both lakes and rivers. It is stiff enough to handle my shooting head system along with a varity of nymphing techniques...I love this rod!!! Customer Service Great Customer Service. Had to replace the tip twice (my fault) Similar Products Used: Sage SP; Scott SAS |
[Dec 03, 2001]
20 days a year
Craftsmanship. Smooth loading for medium distances. Good control.
A bit mushy when throwing/hauling a lot of line. Seems as if the modulus just kind of gives out when you try to max out the rod. Not as sensative as other 5 weights. The craftsmanship of this rod is second to none. For normal casting distances this is a great rod for me. Best nymphing rod I own. Similar Products Used: G-Loomis, Orvis, Sage |