Winston BL - 6 wts Freshwater Rods
Winston BL - 6 wts Freshwater Rods
[Oct 25, 2001]
20 days a year
There is no other rod with such a smooth and powerful action on the market. I would not call the action fast. Its very smoooth and sensitive and if once being adapted to the casting rythm this rod needs to load and work the BL5 will generate extremely high spped of line in all distances. Its wonderful to cast and to play a fish (from #18 dry flies to small streamers and some heavier winds). The Boron tip is not as fragile as with some Sage rods.
None, as I swear. Sold off all my hardy and sage rods. Beautifully made (cosmetics, finish, touch of handle, grade of cork, rod tube). BL5 action is unparalleled but needs to get used to. Very packable (also the rod tube is very packable indeed). Customer Service Very helpful and generous. Similar Products Used: There is no similar as BL5-action. Hardy Elite #6, Hardy Gem #6, Sage SP #6-5pc, RST M5 5/6, but they all cannot compete with BL 5. |