Black Diamond Lunar Headlamps
Black Diamond Lunar Headlamps
[Oct 21, 2002]
Bjorn Dohmen
Because of my hobby (fishing), i'll often end up in the dark, therefore i wanted to buy an lightweight headlamp, just for making knots, a little reading, and more stuff. Normally i used an MAC light for it but it was to heavy. after testing a few headlamps with xenon, and halogen lamps, my store holder showed me a few lamps with LED's. After testing it in a darkroom this one convinced me to be the better LED lamp at that moment, so i bought one, never had a doubt about it, you almost feel nothing about carrying the lamp. I used the battery's (Duracell Plus) almost for 160 hours, and the lamp is still working fine. There is one thing they could improve about the lamp, making a reflector for it, and eventually placing the 2 middle LED's together (for a bright light in the middle, and a faint light at the sides) because the chosen LED's are very bright. there are no further improvements to make. Customer Service Not used it. Similar Products Used: I tryed a few Petzl's (e.a. Tikka, the range of light was to near, and not adjustable), a lucido (with 15 LED's, was to expensive), and a few others. |