Arc Teryx Bora 70 Internal Frame Backpacks
Arc Teryx Bora 70 Internal Frame Backpacks
[Jan 19, 2000]
Great bag. Lots of straps and adjustments and remove able pouches. The top converts into a fanny pack and the back outside pouch is remove able for whatever purpose? Customer Service Have not had a reason to contact them to "complain" Similar Products Used: Kelty Red cloud |
[Apr 01, 1999]
Great pack, comfy, good for travelling or three-four night trips. A bargain in Canada at any MEC, compared to US prices. Like the side opening and the compression straps. Have only had one other pack, and anything would be better than that (old external frame MAcpac) Similar Products Used: None |
[Apr 24, 1999]
This is a great pack for a person who demands durability,comfort,and lightness. I tried it on a 5 day hike and it was great. The v-stay suspension works really well. Similar Products Used: Gregory |
[Jul 22, 1999]
K Martin
The quality of this pack is great - along with the features - however It is the most uncomfortable pack I have ever worn - the hip belt is too firm. Customer Service I talked to the designer - but recieved no real help. Spent $75 on a new hip belt - 75 more uncomfortable miles. I will be buying a Serratus or Gregory next. Similar Products Used: None |
[Sep 12, 1999]
good all around pack, will last forever! Similar Products Used: None |
[Apr 22, 2000]
I have hauled some serious loads for many miles in this pack. The costruction is defiently solid. It will be an investment that will last quite some time. The padding on the back is thick and cozy. The hip belt is so thick that you will probally never have to replace it. It does break in over time. Except for times of tight manuevers, I have not found it to be a problem. The back has various lash points a map pocket, which I use for a Blackburn water bladder, a generous pocket in the lid, and a handy pocket on the back. I have designated the pocket on the back as my pantry. The only major complaint that I have with this pack is that it "squeeks" when under heavy loads. I guess that is better than your bones creaking though. Similar Products Used: None |
[Apr 18, 2000]
I purchases the Bora 70 during the summer of '98. It has been an excellent pack for me (medium build, about 6' tall). It's been everywhere I've needed to go for almost two years and shows no signs of wear. I fell in love with this pack because of the was one of the few packs that I tried that really seemed to fit me well. Customer Service The customer service was excellent. When I purchased the pack, I was leaving for a two week trip into the mountains of Wyoming, but the hip belt did not fit me well. Arc'teryx did not have any in stock, but they had one employee work throughout the night and then ship the hip belt to me by air so that I would have the pack in time for the trip. Thank You!!! Similar Products Used: None |
[Sep 10, 1999]
Luc Albert
Bought this pack at MEC when I use to live in Canada and I've been using it for about 4 years now and it's a great all around pack. Was hard to get use to and took me a while to figure out how to load it so it would feel comfy but once you have this figured out it's a great pack. Never failed me and it's a very durable pack. Similar Products Used: None |