Hilleberg Keron GT Tents
Hilleberg Keron GT Tents
[Apr 28, 2006]
Thought I should write something about a tent that has been a true friend for the last couple of years.
Customer Service Not needed Similar Products Used: Sierra Designs, North Face |
[Aug 06, 2005]
High quality materials. Never had a piece of equipment with this kind of super design that looks deceivingly simple. Everything has its meaning. The tunnel shape guarantees good ventilation. The form and location of the zippers. The fabric that is just that little bit stronger. The storm lines in bright red and white that never get tangled. Inner pockets and hangers to keep you organised in your tent. The form and size of the stuff bag. Easy to insert and get out the pooles. You can put it up (and take it down) alone in storm weather. No experience with winter conditions. Excellent in rain, windy and warm conditions. You can put up the inner tent on itself in warm conditions and be protected from mosquitos. Customer Service Why? Similar Products Used: Helsport Isfjell (lighter, but more fragile) Moskosel katan (7 pers., super!) |