Charlet Moser Blackice Straps Crampons
Charlet Moser Blackice Straps Crampons
[Jan 08, 2000]
Mark McNutt
I used my newly purchased Black Ice crampons this December (99) in the Maroon Bells/Snowmass Wilderness of Colorado. My boots were a bit wide making a correct fit difficult at first, but with a bit of carving away of all the excess rubber, I had a good fit and the crampons performed well. The tightening process is feasible with gloves on but a major pain. The release buckle had a tendency to freeze up but with enough fiddling would come undone. I never had a problem with the straps loosening or shifting, and once the screw was adjusted for my big feet (size 13) it never showed any signs of loosening, but repeatedly I checked anyway. A great set of crampons!!! |