Trango USA Harpoon Crampons
Trango USA Harpoon Crampons
[Feb 06, 2001]
John Nybo
Great vert ice crampons. Ive only used the mono points and i love the off set toe. The heel spur comes in handy many times. Gotta sharpen it first though. Nice features for the money. My partner's crampons cost nearly twice as much and dont have the swank features mine do. Do get snowclogged in wet snow, so i wouldnt recomend them for general mountaineering. Great value, least expensive waterfall crampons out there. stiff as a 16 year old on viagra. Similar Products Used: BD Sabertooths, Grivel M-10s |
[Jan 22, 2001]
Harpoons are the cheapest vertical ice crampons out there, but I'm not sure I made the right call. I've used them for two seasons as dual points. They are easily blunted, I have to sharpen them all the time, and the front points are not very aggressive. I've demoed the grivel Rambos a few times, and they feel way more solid and secure. They do weigh more, though. Similar Products Used: grivel Rambo |
[Feb 27, 2000]
Will Hoida
These are great all around crampons. I love the mono-point set up for vert. ice climbing and if you plan to do some winter mountaineering they can easily be changed over to duel points. And you can't beat the price at $140. |
[Jan 30, 2000]
Rob Means
These crampons fit my old Makalus and the attachment is very secure. Very positive for French Technique and for straight up on low angle ice and snow. The standard dual points left me scratching a few times on vertical ice. I will be grinding back the medial flange to a concave pattern. The flange will start and finish in the same place, but there will be more clearance to promote deeper penetration. No data on the monopoints yet. |
[Jan 26, 2000]
Great crampons for mountaineering, have not used for vertical ice yet though. I like the ankle strap because it is very easy to use with one heavily-gloved hand. No buckles to fool with. The dual front points performed well on not-so-steep ice and snow. They are pretty inexpensive as well (140ish), so I would give them a high rating for the value along with the nifty performance and front point interchangability. |
[Dec 30, 1999]
Great crampons for vertical ice. Unique idea: a monopoint where the point extends out from under your big toe - not the middle of the boot. It feels a lot more like rock climbing. It really works well!! You can set these up with dual front points - but I'd never bother. These perform really well in vertical ice. Better get another pair of horizontal front points for soft ice/alpine condintions though. Luckily, these are so cheap that it doesn't seem too bad to have to own two pairs of crampons. Customer Service only minor experience - good. Similar Products Used: BD Swithchblades - so-so |
[Dec 29, 1999]
Neal Douglass
The Harpoons are a great value. I know this usually means that the performance is not at the top but not here. The crampons are great performers. I have used the Harpoons for two seasons now (1.5) and have put the wood to them in the San Juans. The value part is on account of the excellent performance and the great price. Two tools up! |