Petzl Gourou Harnesses
Petzl Gourou Harnesses
[Jul 06, 1999]
Sam Schutte
The gourou is a great harness, though it is a bit on the expensive side. But, compared to the standard harness, you get a lot of extras. The down-swept gear loops are especially nice, they keep gear from getting caught on edges, and most importantly, the ""double-back"" buckle on the harness keeps you from forgetting to double-back your harness, because it does it for you. I don't know how many times I've been with climbers who didn't double-back their buckles on other harnesses, which greatly reduces the strength of the harness. This feature alone could save your life someday, so it's worth the extra bucks. Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 03, 1999]
Day Hiker
Good harness, a little heavy but it's nicely padded. Only drawback is it only comes in two sizes. The small is too small, the large is too large. I went with the large since gaining weight around the middle is more common than losing it as you get older:) Similar Products Used: None |
[Jul 12, 1999]
Frank Martin
Car Camper
Did several 1200 foot free rapels (about 15 min.) and my legs didn't go to sleep. What more can I say. It may as well be a lawn chair. Similar Products Used: None |
[Aug 20, 1999]
This is a great harness. very comfortable, but not too heavy. A little on the pricey side, but worth it if you spend alot of time in a harness. Similar Products Used: None |