Wild Country Rockcentrics Passive Pro
Wild Country Rockcentrics Passive Pro
[Sep 03, 2003]
Great bits of kit. Seem to fit well where nuts don,t give great, positive placements. I've used them in the Alps and all over the UK and they're brill. Also tough enough to hammer into icy cracks in winter and the webbing makes a useful emergency runner. I found that the smaller sizes are a the most useful and sometimes replace my largest nuts with them when I'm climbing lightweight. And best of all the largest size makes a handy defence against aggressive seagulls. They can be a bit pricy so look out for a deal but an essential bit of kit. Customer Service No problems here. Cotswold also took back my XCR jacket when I thought it was leaking and sent it off for tests, for free. Similar Products Used: Camp Hexcentrics, Wild Country Hexcentrics |
[Oct 15, 2001]
None Takes some practice to place curved hexes. Usually tension-based placements. The largest size is not as big as the Black Diamond #11 hex. I don''t think I''ll need anything bigger though. These are very lightweight and a great addition to your rack. Get cams first, then tri cams, then these. Customer Service N/A Similar Products Used: Black Diamond Hexentrics |