Perception Swifty Kayaks
Perception Swifty Kayaks
[Mar 05, 2025]
I recently scored an awesome secondhand kayak from my drywaller online, and I couldn't be happier with it! It's the perfect weight, making it super easy to handle. I can't wait to take it out on the water and enjoy some exciting adventures! Weakness:
As of now, I have no issues with my kayak. Purchased: Used
[Sep 24, 2024]
Highly recommended by https://www.delhandyman! This kayak is smooth and easy to navigate. Weakness:
None so far. Purchased: Used
[Feb 01, 2024]
It has really impressed me. It spins tight, rows effortlessly, and I have been able to jump it entirely out of the water over ski-boat wakes, but I wouldn't want to row on flatwater all day. | Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Dec 06, 2023]
It has really impressed me. It turns tight, rows easily, and I have been able to jump it completely out of the water over ski-boat wakes, but I wouldn't want to row on flatwater all day. | civil rights attorney Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[May 06, 2021]
I am very impressed with it. I would not want to row all day on flatwater in it, but it rows easily, turns tight, and I have been able to jump it completely out of the water over the ski-boat wake. | Drywall Contractors Weakness:
None so far. Purchased: New
[Aug 15, 2012]
Bruce Henning
I've just spent a weekend at the lake and purchased my 9 year old Grand-daughter a Swifty kayak. She loves it!! It's an excellent beginner kayay that will give a person the confidence to move on to bigger, better, and faster kayak later on. You can't put a child in a "tippy" boat and expect them to enjoy it. So, start them right with a can alway get your money back as you upgrade. Similar Products Used: Wilderness pongo, Old Town, perception eclipse and many others. |
[Aug 06, 2010]
I love this kayak. Great Price. Lightweight to carry, yet holds a larger person very easily. Great on flat and quick water. Very stable. I think campared to some I've paddled it tracks quite well. Has a nice tight turn. The positive reviews are very accurate.
Similar Products Used: Ocean Kayak, Perception- Torrent (Sit on Top), Otter. |
[Jul 09, 2010]
Bought this for my 8yr old son to paddle with me. He picked it out and it was one of the cheapest boats in the store.
Similar Products Used: Old Towne Loon 138 |
[Jul 02, 2010]
as a rule... fat and short does not equal a good kayak. i have paddled this boat and have had people paddle this boat while i paddled my own boat, and overall i can conclude that the swiftys, otters, and the like are not bad but cause the paddler to exert so much needless effort due to the shape and size of the boat. I would recommend forking out the extra cash on a nicer rec boat. ex: old town cayuga 146, perception carolina, perception essence, etc. etc... they cut the water sooo much better and will provide for a much more rewarding, less tiring paddle due to the kayak being able to cut the water much more easily. Similar Products Used: old town otter, perception aquaterra umiak, dagger blackwater 12, old town cayuga 146, pyranha s6x |
[Apr 09, 2010]
Before buying the 9.5' Swifty I read a lot of mixed reviews that leaned toward the positive side for novice users. I have to say I really like it.