Landice L7 Sport Trainer Treadmills
Landice L7 Sport Trainer Treadmills
[Feb 23, 2001]
I purchased the Landice Sport Traininer and have been using it for a couple of months now. I find it to be very heavy duty and stable. I am also a big fan of the cushioning system. Prior to purchasing this treadmill I ran on several at local stores and felt that the Landice had just the right amount of cushioning. To me that meant that it absorbed the impact, but didn't make it feel like I was running on a springboard. I setup the treadmill myself and it proved to be a snap. All that is required is to attach the control panel to the base and snap on a few components and you are ready. You will need the help of a friend though in order to move it to the proper position in you home. I have been running on the Landice 3-5 times a week and expect it to last a long time based on the large rollers, motor, and 4 ply belt. I guess only time will tell if I am right on that one. The only things that they could/should improve is to make the belt longer (it is 54 inches) and to shorten the control panel height (I would feel more comfortable if it was waist high instead of chest high). Similar Products Used: True 550. Lifefitness 5500. |