Flowlab Flowlab Skateboard Alternative Board Sports
Flowlab Flowlab Skateboard Alternative Board Sports
[Feb 07, 2023]
Kiyumi22 Strength:
I've never written to a forum and the talk that the board "chips" is the center of dicusion is off base. Nuf said. This is a board for advanced riders who want stability while in the tuck on a Double black. Just get it. You won't be sorry when you have more confidence then you ever thought possible. Ride-on truck brake service Weakness:
None . . Purchased:
New |
[Aug 25, 2009]
it was really wobbly |
[Jan 23, 2008]
Don't waste your time getting a flowboard, they're lame. do your research and get a FREEBORD. I've been clocked doing 45 mph and have never experienced speed wobbles. tear up your local neighborhoods, turn any paved hill into your summertime-session. look at the difference on youtube and you'll be set. Customer Service afds Similar Products Used: fdsa |
[Dec 12, 2007]
Flowboard is not what I recommend. FlowBoards are not fast enough, and im usually traveling at 5mph. The carve would be fine if you could go a little faster, and if the 4 outer wheels didnt go offside too much, and start skreeching. I put on some ABEC-7 bearings for more speed and actual carve. Flowboards come with ACEC-3 rated bearings, and dont get enough speed so you should also change the bearings if you consider buying a Flowboard. I've also had bad experience with the turning.When going downhill to catch speed, I get speed wobbles.It also weighs 9 pounds, so it's tiring going up hill unless you carry it with you. Similar Products Used: FreeBord
[Sep 19, 2003]
hey guys..... im stocked ive got a flowlab 36" MUNI sitting in my room... but i have to wait to my mum comes back from bali too open it.... so buy tommoro ill be giving it my best.. i live in scarbrough, every were you look theres hills all sizes..... any way ill tell you how i go Customer Service www.argos.com good site were i bought mine..... good if your in AUSTRALIA like me Similar Products Used: surf boards |
[Oct 19, 2002]
Yo, make sure you get the real deal Flowlab DCS. I've seen some knock-offs out there with 10 wheels instead of 14. The 10 wheeled versions DON'T work. You can't get the same turning, if at all, on the knock offs. I've been riding the DCS for more than a year now and I have 2 of them. The largest (42") and the mid-sized (36"). These boards are insane, and YOU are insane if you pass them up. Carving the streets snowboard-stylie has never been the same. Customer Service The best! Call the 800 number and chat with the Flowguys until you're blue in the face. I had like 50 questions for them before I got the second board. Similar Products Used: snowboard longboard skateboard surfboard mountain board (MBS) |
[Apr 18, 2002]
Preface: I''m 31 and have been skating/surfing/snowboarding/skimboarding for over 16 years and have the banged up ankles/knees/shins/elbows to prove it. Total powder hound in snow(178cm powder board)& surf a 9'' Stewart surfboard. I LOVE the flow, carve, feeling of speed and drive of a good turn. I had been contemplating a longboard skateboard for a long time (3 years) and hadn''t found just the right thing. I had a buddy try the DCS/Flowlab board at a trade show and he called that day to tell me he had found the board for me. He was right. I currently live in CA central valley. Very very flat country. Steepest hill around is my driveway. I have no problem with the wobble when pushing the board and the carves are so sweet. It feels like carving in water or powder. I always rode my skateboards with trucks as loose as they''d go to simulate the surf/snow carve feeling. The Green speed wheels make all the difference. My board originally came with the white one''s because the green were back ordered. The white would be good for hills because they''re softer/grippier but they slow you to a crawl after a couple turns on the flats. I can ollie and do most tricks on my 36" that I could do on my street skateboard. The street to driveway transitions are very smooth compared to normal skate trucks. I''m really looking forward to hitting the parks with this thing and watching the kids eyes fall out when I carve a smooth one along the main wall and hit the slide rail. Super smooth transitions from rail to rail. Never maxed it out yet. I''ve actually carved a full circle going up and back on the driveway. I highly recommend the 36". I demo''d the 42 and it bled off speed too quickly and carved to much of a drawn out arc for me. I like the mid-range and push-ability of the 36". Tell Mikie at Flowlab that I sent you and he''ll hook you up. Here''s hoping you''ll giggle like a kid getting his first wave. Scott Taylo Customer Service Customer service is great. Mike is one of the nicest ''company'' guys i''ve ever talked with. Similar Products Used: Flowlab 42", Dregs supertanker (rurned too slow) Sector9 Cosmic 1&2, (too flexy, bottomed out, nice glide though) Sector9 Butterfly (liked it. Carveboard (liked the pneumatic wheels but impossibl |
[Apr 01, 2002]
this is great! feels just like im going down a mountain. u cant beat this thing, especially for £8/$14 brand new. alot better than $199. had to make the bearings a bit better though. u should buy one straight away. Customer Service great Similar Products Used: apart from a skate board none. |
[Nov 02, 2001]
None This board rocks!!! Only get it if you live around hills... It is slow on the flats, because all of the weight is on 2 wheels at a time. It carves very tightly and smoothly, transitions are like butter... Feels like carving on powder. When you shred up the steeps you have to carve real hard to keep the speed down, and that gets you sliding. But the slides are quite predictable and easy to control. Also, the steeper the hill, the better. Just a note, don''t try and bomb any hills with this thing, top speed is about 20-25 mph, and the usual speed for carving in control is 5-15 mph, not fast at all, but definately still fun, because the carves are so tight. If you go to fast (above 20mph), you wobble between the middle 3 wheels and its pretty scary shiate. This board also looks awesome, and every time you ride it, people will stop you and ask you about it. It is also the perfect chick magnet... Good riding! Customer Service Customer service is great, they always reply to e-mails, and the message board helps too. If you have any problems, they will make sure it doesn''t stay a problem. Similar Products Used: Snowboard, surfboard, skateboard, freebord X-80, etc. |