Burton Tadashi Fuse Freestyle
Burton Tadashi Fuse Freestyle
[Feb 19, 2025]
Now that I used them for a full season (30+ Days) I absolutly love them. Once I stoped toe side skating that solved the toe strap coming undone problem. The boots are so much more comfortable and the control is much better. After getting use to them I can not lock in as fast as the old step ins. I don't know if these are better or worse then Flows, but I highly recomend them. Car Mechanic Weakness:
None , , Purchased: New
[Feb 07, 2023]
Generally, it's a great freeriding board. Freestyling is another story. The board is stiff and durable and will give you a solid landing on a jump but little pop when taking off. It also handles a rail decently if you're doing 50-50. Santa Barbara full brake service Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Jun 12, 2006]
Bjorn Pedersen
Awsome backcountry deck, a little stiff in the park but alround solid board. |