Gregory Palisade Internal Frame Backpacks
Gregory Palisade Internal Frame Backpacks
[Sep 10, 2000]
I love shopping for new outdoor gear. My only problem with this pack is I will be out of the backpack market for the rest of my life..I hate that.. But seriously, this pack is as solidly built as a tank, but at the same time it carries a heavy load flawlessly. The front pocket is something I couldn't live without now. Gregory has done a fine job of designing a pack suited for both weekend jaunts and multi-day winter camp-outs (if you are brave enough). I recommend this pack to anyone who can only afford one pack but has an interest in backpacking all year long... This is the pack for you Similar Products Used: None |
[Aug 28, 2000]
Samuel J. McCreedy
Good pack. Fairly light, good room, decent suspension once you get it dialed in to your body. The external bag and top are a little goofy in design I think, but otherwise a good pack. Similar Products Used: various us and german military issue stuff. |
[Aug 21, 2000]
A solid, versatile pack. Picked up the '99 for $230 and it has served me incredibly well on the AT and on Colorado's 14ers. Pretty good value and excellent construction. Highly recommended. Similar Products Used: Kelty, Jansport |
[Jul 16, 2000]
Greg Schivley
I'm currently 5 weeks into a 7 week trip on the AT, and this pack hasn't given me any reason to complain yet. The pack itself is a bit heavy for my taste, but the suspension and padding is superb, and I havn't felt uncomfortable wearing it yet. Similar Products Used: None |
[Apr 19, 2000]
I have owned the Gregory Palisade for about 3 years now. I havent been anything but happy. Perfect size for a variety of trips. Able to handle both small loads and heavy loads. Low frills=less things to go wrong. Nice outside and top pockets for easy access. Compression is excellent with side straps, top compression, etc. Wonderful all around pack Customer Service Dont need it. Similar Products Used: Mountainsmith, Jansport, Camp Trails |
[Mar 22, 2000]
M. Erickson
I have an older Palisade that was the last model before the new waist belt came out. I've been using this pack for a little 4 years now and it has held up wonderfully. It is very comfortable in the hips and feels very light on the shoulders compared to the weight of it when picking it up to put on. It adjust fairly easy once on and is easier to realease the tension straps than to tighten. I also have the two side pockets that are held in by the compression straps. The side pockets tend to flop around and are kind of annoying when the comp straps are loose. The large rear pocket also flops around a bit if not filled. As far as the wear and tear I've abused this bag somewhat. Dragging it up and down rock walls. And once it took a 40 yard tumble down a very steep grade of granite. There wasn't a mark on it. I've spent many days in sub zero temperatures and the buckles and snaps haven't let me down. I think the rear bottom zipper on the newer bags is alot more efficient than on the bag I have... If you want a bag that will last over time I suggest it is the one. The newer Palisades have a much nicer hip belt which is more comfortable than anything I've had on. So if comfort is an issue as it is with me ...Try it! I don't plan on trading it in anytime soon. Customer Service I have never had to deal with the manufacturer.... thats a good thing! Similar Products Used: Kelty, Camptrails, Jansport, Marmot, Mountainsmith |
[Feb 11, 2000]
debbie black
My first trip with this pack seemed great. I used it for two days of backcountry skiing and snowcamping at paradise on mount rainier, and it performed very well. Nicely balanced, but not too topheavy. It felt like I was carrying only half of the 35 pounds on my back, and the outside pocket is great. An all around great pack. |
[Feb 24, 1999]
I am very happy with this pack. It is as comfortable and supportive as a backpack can be. It is very versital. It works great for a weekend in summer as well as for mountaineering in the winter. It is plenty room inside as well as space outside for more gear. I have also noticed the great balance it has on Search and Rescue Missions. Mine has been around Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood and it has always preformed. It works for hauling 80 pound loads and on 30 mile days. This is a great pack! Nice work Gregory... Similar Products Used: None |
[Mar 16, 1999]
I have the older style palisade with the removable pouch. It has been a very good pack to date. It is comfortable and just the right size for weekenders and beyond (up to ten days). I am thinking of substituting a hydration pack (2 liters water, 10 litres capacity) for the removable pouch to make the pack more versatile (it has no built in daypack feature). Overall I am hap[y with the quality and comfort of this pack. Similar Products Used: None |
[Feb 03, 2000]
Edward Lozier
I have had this pack for about a year now and i love it. It has been loaded to 80 pounds and was as nice as if there was 45 pounds in it. I Really like the idea of putting a big pocket on the front where you can get to you rain gear easily. I also love that you can buy a gregory hydration system for it and then you dont have to reach for water bottles the water is always right in front of you. |